Wednesday 7 May 2014

The Men Behind 'Rejimen Anarki' Revealed!

The identity of the men behind one of the most malicious and provocative FB accounts in Malaysia have been found to be 2 seemingly normal lads from Johor and Pahang respectively. The FB account 'Rejimen Anarki' is well known to incite hatred towards the Johor royalty. Many reports have been made against the account which led to the revelation of the 2 people which were believed to also use another FB account by the name of 'Rakyat Anarki', as reported by the Selangor Chronicle blog.

The 1st May demonstration saw one of the admins behind the account to reveal himself after a scuffle broke between him and the Unit Amal PAS who were guarding the rally. Tensions ran high when he tried to ambush the prohibited area of the Merdeka Square, which was still under construction. These men are thought to be linked to the Malaysian Socialist Party (PSM) hence the seditious postings of accusing the current ruling coalition as a regime and libeling the Sultan of Johor on the FB account. 

Another report from the portal revealed discovery of insidious and subversive banners all around the country, asking the Rakyat to join the 1st May rally, with words and objective of toppling the government. The social media is buzzing on whether these two are linked to each other. The police have got to do something to curb this unhealthy agenda.

Malaysians are taught to uphold the Rukunegara, the 5 principles that would strengthen and dignify our respect to this country. The emergence of this seditious bunch of Malaysians can only bring more harm to the next generation. The rally after rally held by the irate opposition have proven to bring nothing beneficial to this country. Rakyat is being used for the sake of toppling the ruling government. Hatred and revenge will get you nowhere. Have you ever seen a developed country become one from protests? History has proven that a country built with chaotic protests will remain as it is, read : Thailand and Egypt. 


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